Thursday 14 May 2020



"The Yellow Pavilion/ Architecture for Humans," Archidaily, 2019.

Operability, human-centric, environment

An operable architecture creates a strong connection between the user and the environment.

 3 sketch perspective drawings:

2 animated drawings :

36 custom textures :

    5 real-time image

The shape of the shell is like mountain outlines, which symbolises the natural environment. The digital screen moving element I considered it as a digital environment which us the users are familiar with. The video that is playing on the shell is a news report about coronavirus, which is our current society "environment". In contrast to the shape of the shell, I used concrete and glass (manmade) materials. I did not make the shell closed entirely, which allows users to look at the beautiful campus views to create connections between people& the environment.

Bridge connects to the Round house

Night scene at the top of the round house

Elevator- the plane matches each floor's cutting by extends/ folding itself, by doing so, physically integrate users with the building. 

Interior space - studio, an open design showing unsw campus view that allows user to feel inclusive in the space they are in


Sunday 12 April 2020

ARCH1011 Week 8 Task 2: Plan & Section


Crystal stone shapes have the meaning of immortality/ perseverance- which fit with " school " and will encourage the student to be perseverance.

REASON: I chose this plan because I like it has a centre area where all people can meet - the circular centre. It could be a space as an entry to different areas, like all elevators in one place so it is easier for students and teachers to access places where they wanted to. And it will be easier to increase peoples connections by maybe starting to chat at this common area, or helping freshers to guide where they want to go. Since a lot of people will be accessing their floors all in one place, so more chance will give to people to feel included in this place. 

I also quite like how it looks very "Serious" as it shows the attitude towards learning. (Because it is an office building, it's more like brings students into society environment ) And shows the school should be very formal and serious environment. It is a very high building, with 3 big parts, all different functional spaces can be distinguished in different parts.  



Floor 1, 2, 3


Floor 1, 2